Learn to Play Bb Clarinet
Simple lessons for learning music
Hi! My name is Joyce and I love playing the clarinet!
It all began when I was little and my parents got out my Dad’s old, used plastic Vito clarinet. I was so excited! They told me, if I could get a note out they’d pay for some music lessons. After my Dad put it together, I held it in my little hand and blew. To all of our amazement, I played a note! It was open G. As I think about it now, I’m surprised my first “note” wasn’t a squeak. It was meant to be. I believe I was in the third grade and took about 7 months of lessons at our local music center, The Music Center, Inc - Live Oak, FL. I remember being excited for my first recital, when all of the students got together to show what we’ve learned. I played “(Give Me That) Old-Time Religion” from the beginner book. I had to stop lessons at that point because my fingers were too small for the higher notes to come, not to mention I didn’t have enough air support for them either. I played off and on over the next few years, even performing a special or two in Church service.
It wasn’t until middle school that I really found something more with playing clarinet. I practiced as often as possible, all through school. I made sure to spend at least a few minutes almost every day practicing with my clarinet. As the years progressed, I began to play specials more often in our Church. This gave me more confidence in my playing ability. By 10th grade, I became clarinet section leader in our high school band. I kept this title through the rest of my high school time. I loved playing in band, especially solos and, this was my most fond memory of being in high school. Making long-lasting friendships, that I still have today, made it all that much better.
After high school, I became an art major in Graphic Design. Although, I took AP music theory in high school, I knew playing just clarinet was more for me. I know a little of writing some music, and a hint of piano and trumpet, but there’s nothing like playing clarinet for me. I continued playing every now and then in Church, and eventually started playing every Sunday for our Church. I started with transposing the Hymnal music, for matching our pianist. For a clarinetist to match a pianist, it’s one note and one key above what’s written. It was so fulfilling playing with another musician, after some time being out of band. Then, one year our pianist moved, and God blessed me to continue our Church music nearly every Sunday. With God’s help, our Church still had music through my clarinet playing. I played the Hymnal songs, with no other musicians and without transposing, for many years. Finally, our Church had been blessed more, with another pianist. It’s been so pleasant the last year or so, getting to play music with our current pianist each Sunday.
Who knew when I played my first note so many years ago, that clarinet would play such a big role in my life. Music has had such a huge influence on me, and I’m so thankful!
– Joyce
P.S. – I still play on the same old, used plastic Vito clarinet from many years ago. I’m currently saving for a professional clarinet, but I’ll never part with my old one.
Shout Out to My Church Family! - Live Oak Community Church of God - Thank you for having me play music, during song worship for our Lord!