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Learn to Play Bb Clarinet
Simple lessons for learning music
There are currently 3 lessons available, more will be posted soon. If you would like to be notified when a new lesson is posted, please send a message to my personal email. I will try to let you know as soon as possible, when another lesson is available. This information is located at the bottom of each page to this site.
Also, if you have any advice on how to improve this site or lessons, I'll gladly take it into consideration.
Thank you.
- Joyce
Don't waste another day. Start learning how to play clarinet today, with simple lessons. Each lesson breaks down every note, and includes music exercises to boost confidence before moving to the next lesson. Before starting lessons, be sure to check out the "Getting Started" and "Reading Music" pages. If you don't know anything about reading sheet music, this will definitely help with lessons. References about how to read music are also included within lessons, as reminders.
These are free clarinet lessons, that I've put together. Music is a very important part of life, and everyone should be encouraged to live through music.
Please send a message, through contact information located at the bottom of each page, if you have any questions or comments.

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