Learn to Play Bb Clarinet
Simple lessons for learning music
Lesson 2
Learn new notes: D & C, below the staff.
Also learn about final double bar lines.

So far, you should know E, F and G notes on the staff. Review Lesson 1, if needed.
Now, we'll add D to our music knowledge.
This is the D note fingering, it covers the same holes as E but add you will cover one more hole. Your left hand will cover the back hole, with your thumb. Your first two fingers will cover the top two holes on the front of the clarinet.
Notice, this note does not sit on the staff. It sits just UNDER the first line. The D will have a lower sound than the previous notes you've learned, so far.
Try to play this line of D notes, below. Keep in mind of proper rhythm, count the beats in your head and remember note lengths as you play.

Now, let's add D to the other notes you've learned. I only labeled the new note D, above this line of music. This is a reminder of your the new note. You should remember the other notes from Lesson 1. Play this several times, if needed, just to make sure you are comfortable with all the notes.


This is the C note fingering, also referred to as middle C. It is referred as middle C because it sits between the treble and bass staffs, below the treble and above the bass. Remember, when playing B flat clarinet, you use only the treble clef. The two staffs together make up the grand staff. Pianists will use the grand staff when reading music.

This C note sits under the treble staff. A ledger line is marked through the note, indicating it is on a line that does not exist as part of the staff. Imagine, though, if the staff continued further lower, this is where that line would show.
The C fingering requires all the upper joint holes to be covered by one finger each. No other keys are to be pressed. This note will have the lowest pitch you have learned so far.

Play this line of music introducing our new note C, with quarter, half and whole notes included.
Listen to your clarinet, as you play this note. Remember to always listen to how you sound while playing. It should usually sound pleasant, with good tone.

Let's combine just our new notes together, for this exercise. The notes are labeled above the staff, for your reminder, but try to read the line by just looking at the notes.

This music exercise covers all the notes learned so far. It is 2 lines total. Play until you have reached the end/final double bar line at the end. This is represented by 2 vertical lines, together, one thick and the other thin. Play both lines of music together. When you have finished the top line, continue playing the next. Both lines go together, as one piece of music.

This exercise has all the notes labeled, as reminders.

Here is the same piece of music but, if you had trouble counting, the beats are marked above the staff. Only tongue the darker labeled beat counts. Hold out notes through the lighter numbered counts. There should be NO silence in between notes. Keep a steady air flow to connect the notes one after another. Do take quick breaths, when needed, but do not lose any counts during breaths.

You should know this piece of music, by now. This time try playing it without any aid. Read the notes, count beats and focus on rhythm.